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Through your partnership, the next generation is being radically changed by Jesus.


They are discovering what it means to love their neighbours, apply Scripture to all of life and embrace values that transcend culture.

Through your partnership, the next generation is being radically changed by Jesus.


They are discovering what it means to love their neighbours, apply Scripture to all of life and embrace values that transcend culture.


Give to Summer Missions

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At Camp

In Highschool

On Campus

Transitioning to the Workforce


Give to Summer Missions

Summer Missions

Camp is a Whole Other World

Every day at camp, kids and teens get to:

  1. Unplug from technology
  2. Dive into God’s word with supportive, open-minded friends
  3. Receive mentoring from experienced, older staff
  4. Be their authentic, silly selves
  5. Explore God’s creation
  6. Try new things like archery or horseback riding

Circle Square Ranch helps campers, students and emerging adults discover the hope that Jesus offers through each stage of growing up.

Circle Square Ranch helps campers, students and emerging adults discover the hope that Jesus offers through each stage of growing up.

Circle Square Ranch helps campers, students and emerging adults discover the hope that Jesus offers through each stage of growing up.

It’s important to go to camp as a kid because it’s good for kids to be put a little bit outside of their comfort zone, but in a really safe place.

Former camper + leader

Camp teaches you a lot and you make some of the best friends that you’ll ever have.


How often do you get to wake up with great friends, two counselors, go have a great breakfast and then go be with all these animals and do fun stuff that you wouldn’t normally get to do in your normal life?


Other Ways to Give

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Financial Accountability

Canadian Council of Christian Charities logo. Links to their website.
For over 90 years, we have maintained a high standard of financial accountability and integrity.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada is a registered charity #BN/REG 10751 3160 RR0001; all donations are tax-deductible.
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